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Friday, March 27, 2009

Permission names for specific User

Permission names for specific User:-

With the following query you can know what all the permissions you have for any Specific Application User.

I have used this query when working on some custom page. Based on the permissions given to the User, you can provide some additional functionality to the Users.

Note:- I have commented out the permission name. in the below query. You can use this condition if you want to search specific to the permission name.

SELECT fnd.user_id
, fnd.description
, p.permission_name
FROM jtf_auth_principals_b u
, jtf_auth_principal_maps pm
, jtf_auth_role_perms rp
, jtf_auth_permissions_b p
, fnd_user fnd
WHERE fnd.user_id='Your USER ID'
AND fnd.user_name=u.principal_name
-- AND p.permission_name ='CSI_SEARCH_PRODUCT_VIEW'
AND u.jtf_auth_principal_id = pm.jtf_auth_principal_id
AND pm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = rp.jtf_auth_principal_id
AND rp.jtf_auth_permission_id = p.jtf_auth_permission_id

Note:- You can know the USER ID of specific to some USER from the following Query.

select * from fnd_user where USER_NAME like 'User Name';

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Get the Assembly Details

Get the Assembly Details:-

The following query would get all the details about the Assembly

SELECT a.assembly_item_id
, b.component_item_id
, c.segment1 component_item
, c.shelf_life_code
, c.shelf_life_days
, c.lot_control_code
FROM bom_bill_of_materials_v a,
bom_inventory_components_v b,
mtl_system_items_b c
WHERE a.bill_sequence_id = b.bill_sequence_id
AND b.component_item_id = c.inventory_item_id
AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
-- AND a.organization_id = l_organization_id
-- AND a.assembly_item_id = l_item_id;

Get all the Assembly completion Lot Numbers

Get all the Assembly completion Lot Numbers: -

The following query gets the information about the Lot Numbers of Assembly Completion.

Note:- I have commented "mmt.organization_id = your_organization_id" condition. If you want to get the results specific to some inventory organization then, you can use this condition. Organization_id is representing the Inventory Organization.

SELECT mmt.transaction_id
, mmt.transaction_date
, mmt.inventory_item_id
, mmt.organization_id
, mtn.lot_number
, msi.shelf_life_days
, msi.shelf_life_code
, msi.segment1
FROM mtl_material_txns_val_v mmt
,mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtn
,mtl_lot_numbers mln
, mtl_system_items_b msi
WHERE mmt.transaction_id = mtn.transaction_id
AND mmt.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
AND mmt.organization_id = msi.organization_id
AND mtn.lot_number = mln.lot_number
AND mtn.organization_id = mln.organization_id
AND mmt.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
AND mmt.transaction_action = 'Assembly completion'
AND NVL (mln.attribute1, 'N') <> 'Y'
-- AND mmt.organization_id = your_organization_id
AND mmt.transaction_date >= mmt.transaction_date
AND mmt.transaction_date <= mmt.transaction_date
AND mmt.inventory_item_id >= mmt.inventory_item_id
AND mmt.inventory_item_id <= mmt.inventory_item_id;