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Friday, June 26, 2009

PO Requisition associated with PO Orders

PO Requisition associated with PO Orders:-

We Using following URL, we can find out the all the requisitions (Purchasing Requisitions) which are associated with what all Purchasing orders.

They are 2 types of requisitions.

1) Purchasing Requisition

2) Internal Requisition.

Note:- Only Purchase Requisitions will be converted to the Purchase orders.

SELECT prha.segment1 "Requisition Number",
prha.type_lookup_code "Requisition Type",
pha.segment1 "Purchase Order Number",
pha.type_lookup_code "Purchase Order Type"
FROM po_headers_all pha,
po_distributions_all pda,
po_req_distributions_all rd,
po_requisition_lines_all prla,
po_requisition_headers_all prha
WHERE pha.po_header_id = pda.po_header_id
AND pda.req_distribution_id = rd.distribution_id
AND rd.requisition_line_id = prla.requisition_line_id
AND prla.requisition_header_id = prha.requisition_header_id

Internal Requisitions has not converted to Internal Sales Order

Internal Requisitions has not converted to Internal Sales Order:-

Requisitions (PO Module) would be 2 types.

1) Purchasing Requisitions (Handled by the PO Module)

2) Internal Requisitions (Handled by the OM Module).

We create the Purchase Orders for the Purchasing Requisitions and Internal Sales Orders will be created for the Internal Requisitions.

Note:- We create Internal Sales Order to transfer the material between the Inventories with-in the Organization.

We can use the following Query to find out all the Internal requisitions are created but not converted to the Internal Sales Orders.

SELECT rqha.segment1 "Requisition Number"
, rqla.line_num "Line Number"
, rqla.requisition_header_id "Requisition Header ID"
, rqla.requisition_line_id "Requisition Line ID"
, rqla.item_id "Inventory item ID"
, rqla.unit_meas_lookup_code "Unit Of Measure"
, rqla.unit_price "Unit Price"
, rqla.quantity "Quantity"
, rqla.quantity_cancelled "Quantity Cancelled"
, rqla.quantity_delivered "Quantity Delivered"
, rqla.cancel_flag "Cancelled"
, rqla.source_type_code "Source Type"
, rqla.source_organization_id "Source Organization ID"
, rqla.destination_organization_id "Destination Organization ID"
, rqha.transferred_to_oe_flag "Transferred to OE Flag"
FROM po_requisition_lines_all rqla
, po_requisition_headers_all rqha
WHERE rqla.requisition_header_id = rqha.requisition_header_id
AND rqla.source_type_code = 'INVENTORY'
AND rqla.source_organization_id IS NOT NULL
AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'existing internal order'
FROM oe_order_lines_all line
WHERE line.source_document_line_id =
AND line.source_document_type_id = 10)
ORDER BY rqha.requisition_header_id
, rqla.line_num

Cancel Requisitions

Cancel Requisitions:-

You can get all the Canceled Requisitions in the PO Module using the following Query.

prha.requisition_header_id "requisition_header_id"
,prha.segment1 "Requisition Number"
,prha.preparer_id "preparer_id"
,TRUNC(prha.creation_date) "creation_date"
,prha.description "description"
,prha.note_to_authorizer "note_to_authorizer"
po_requisition_headers_all prha
,po_action_history pah
WHERE action_code='CANCEL'
AND pah.object_type_code='REQUISITION'
AND pah.object_id=prha.requisition_header_id

Thursday, June 25, 2009

SQL and PL/SQL Online

SQL and PL/SQL Online:-

You can use the following Oracle URL
for practicing SQL and PL/SQL:

Note:- You need to register for this (which is free) Once you get your Username, Password and Workplace then you can login from anywhere to practice the SQL and PL/SQL.