inserts data into master table and the second invokes insert data into detail table?
Identify the statement that will undo both transactions by throwing the fault if either one of the
transaction faults?
A. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpebrsqlecception"
B. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpetxcroolback"
C. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpetxnuntime fault"
D. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpetxfault"
Answer: A
1 comment:
A. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpelx:sqlecxeption"
B. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpelx:roolback" (XXXXX)
C. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpelx:runtime fault"
D. throw name-"throw" fault name "bpelx:fault"
There are the correct options.
And Answer is B.
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