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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Modifier Header ID based on the Modifier Description

INV Modifier Header ID based on the Modifier Description:-

The following Query would get the Modifier Header ID based on the Description given for that Modifier. In many places we use the Modifier Header ID to get other values related to that Modifier.

SELECT list_header_id "Modifier Header ID"
FROM qp_list_headers_b
WHERE trim(SUBSTR (comments, 1, 240)) = trim('ALLORACLETECH Description') AND ROWNUM = 1;

Get the Modifier Description Based on the Modifier ID

The following Query will get the Modifier Description given for the Modifier based on the Modifier Header ID.

SELECT SUBSTR (comments, 1, 240) "Modifier Description"
FROM qp_list_headers_b
WHERE list_header_id = 'Your modifier header ID' AND ROWNUM = 1;

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